A Guide to Starting a New Life in a New City by Yourself


Living alone used to be trendy and even ideal until the pandemic hit. Amid all the restrictions, we realized that living alone can be lonely. Before all of these, we basked in our freedom and marveled at discovering something new about ourselves each day. But all of that changed last year.

Thankfully, things are starting to go back to normal. But until the pandemic is over, we can’t be complacent.

So how will we live alone and happily until then? If you’re moving into a new city, it can be even harder to start over since socializing opportunities will be limited. If you got a new job, you’d probably work from home.

Whether you’re moving out of your parents’ home or moving on from a bad breakup, here’s your guide to starting over in a new city:

1. Get Organized

Starting a new chapter in your life will always be intimidating and stressful. But if you’re organized, you can find excitement among the chaos. Prepare for your move by creating a plan that will ensure the process’ smoothness. Make a to-do list so that your days won’t feel overloaded with work. You’d probably need to avail reliable moving services to help you pack and organize all the logistics.

Be highly selective in hiring movers, especially if this would be your first time relocating alone. Finding movers from freelancing apps or websites may be cheaper but risky. Invest in a moving company instead, as they’re reputable.

Still, check if the movers are licensed by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). Their USDOT number must be valid. You can also confirm if the movers are part of the American Mover and Storage Association (AMSA) or the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Good movers won’t just provide transportation but also help you with loading, unloading, and protecting your valuable things. They’re professionals who focus on making your move smooth and easy. That said, treat your movers professionally as well, ensuring that their trucks will be allowed to park in your new home. Some residential properties place restrictions on heavy vehicles, so check in with your HOA beforehand. Make it part of your organization’s duties.

2. Get Rid of Stuff You Won’t Need

Part of starting a new life is getting rid of the load that doesn’t serve you anymore, literally and figuratively. If you still hold on to some stuff that’s already useless, leave them behind or give them away. You can hold a yard sale if your unwanted property still has value.

Bringing unnecessary things into your new home will only make unpacking harder than it already is. Though you can enlist a friend or family member for help, you’d eventually realize that keeping useless stuff has only wasted your space. On the contrary, getting rid of them will let you and your space breathe easier. Plus, they’d be one less stuff to deal with in this stressful, pandemic period.

3. Create a New Budget Plan

If you’re renting your new place, you’d need a new budget plan, considering you’d be living in a new city. Ideally, you should’ve chosen an affordable city, like Cincinnati, Minneapolis, or Boise. With your monthly rent affordable, you can manage your expenses better.

Budgeting would be a challenge if you’d arrive in your new city without a job yet. So as you hunt for a new career, ensure that you’d get paid at least within the median earnings of full-time workers in your city. Consider looking for a secondary source of income, too, just in case your main employer gets out of business due to the pandemic. Even if many Americans are already vaccinated, experts still think we may not reach herd immunity. So being prepared for local surges should be in your contingency plan.

4. Starting Working On Your New Life

The pandemic shouldn’t hold you back from enjoying your new life. Even if you’re alone, you can still avoid loneliness. Stay in touch with your loved ones back home. Be a tourist in your new city — while observing health protocols, of course. If you’d be allowed to work in an office, find your niche among your colleagues, but be friendly with everyone. Forming good relationships at work will feed you more positive energy as you live out your new life.

Once you get settled, set new goals and work on achieving them right away. However, don’t pressure yourself to be at your 100% all the time. Living alone in a new territory will have a lot of ups and downs, so let yourself experience them first. Don’t rush in making big decisions. Focus on getting accustomed to your new environment first, then make your way toward a happy, healthy, and wealthy life. Find peace in your solitude and create a healthy work-life balance.

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