The Importance of Curb Appeal When Selling Your Home


Selling a property isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. It’s a large financial commitment, and to get someone to commit to that long-term arrangement, you need to be very convincing. Fortunately, you don’t have to be very persuasive to sell your property- your property itself is what needs to be persuasive. It needs to have the things homebuyers are looking for.

But you also need to communicate that it has what they need. People don’t have the time and energy to scour through listings to find what they want. Often browsing and clicking ones that catch their attention is enough. And that’s why curb appeal matters.

Defining Curb Appeal

Curb appeal means making the exterior of your property look better. Making it look appealing or presentable, doing light renovations, and putting in the effort to make it something that you’ll buy is what curb appeal is all about. Of course, all of this matters little if it doesn’t help you sell your property, and that’s what we’re going to discuss next.

Does It Help You Sell Your Property?

Straight answer: yes. Yes, it helps you sell your property at a potentially better price and a faster pace. Curb appeal matters a lot. That’s why many land developers often include beautiful yards in their brochures. Here are other reasons why curb appeal is essential.

Stand Out from the Rest

In selling anything, there always has to be what is called a unique selling point. In the case of real estate, it’s not just interior design that’s crucial in attracting potential buyers, but also the first thing they see when they visit: the exterior. This can be a bit tricky in neighborhoods where houses are designed to look the same, but even the simple detail of being able to show a fresh coat of paint, a well-kept yard, and a well-maintained lawn will lift your property above the rest.  

Increases Property Value

Especially if you are planning on selling your house even as you’ve just moved in, maintaining a good exterior can keep your home’s value competitive. This is important because as you decide to upgrade to a bigger property, you’d want to recover as much from your initial investment as possible. If you neglect curb appeal, it might bite you back once you decide to put it up in the market, as nobody would want to buy an expensive fixer-upper.

A Good-looking Home Sells Faster

There’s no doubt that many homebuyers look for properties that give them their money’s worth. Whether they are on a tight budget or are willing to spend extra costs, even a fixer-upper should be appealing to shoppers. After all, nobody wants a run-down, seemingly unsalvageable property. That would scream liability instead of an asset.

So unless the house you’re trying to sell is one that’s been abandoned for a while, it’s best to think about making it look as presentable as possible. That way, it doesn’t stay stagnant in the market for too long.

Leaves Positive First Impressions

Not only do first impressions last, but it also draws people to be further invested in your property if its exterior is highly appealing. Generally speaking, people tend to stay away from houses that look old and unkempt. At face value, it makes buyers think that they’d have to spend extra on renovations and other improvements, which isn’t a nice thought to convey. Increasing your home’s curb appeal, on the other hand, expresses that the house is inviting, definitely livable, and also pretty comfortable.

How You Can Increase Curb Appeal

Repaint the Walls

As mentioned already, a fresh coat of paint on your outside walls can make a tremendous difference in uplifting the appearance of your house. Exterior walls are among the first to get hit by various elements, which also means it’s one of the first to look worn out. 

Beautify Your Yard

Make sure your yard doesn’t look dilapidated or overgrown. Remove any trees or wild shrubbery, or at least hire a landscaper to make it look good. Make sure to clean and organize it, especially if you’re taking pictures for online listings. For home viewings, the yard and overall exterior must look presentable. The buyer might be turned off if the first thing they say is a run-down yard.

Spruce Up the Entryway

After your yard, the next thing they see is the entryway. Make that equally as appealing, and you’re sure to get their sale. Opening your entry to your living room to provide a better view of your area is a great way to make it look better.

Curb appeal is essential when selling a property. When it’s improved, a seller can aim for a better selling price and close a deal in no time.

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