3 Tips For Prepping Your Windows For Summer


Now that spring is in the air, it’s time to start thinking about what you need to get ready at home before summer rolls around.

In many places, summer heat seems to come out of nowhere. Because of this, it can be helpful to get some of your summer-related home improvement tasks done firmly in the spring months, like getting your windows summer-ready.To help you in doing this, here are three tips for prepping your windows for summer.

Clean Your Windows

Spring cleaning is a big part of transitioning your home out of winter mode. And as part of this spring cleaning, you should make sure that you spend time cleaning your windows as well.

While you might think that dirty windows would help to filter out some of the light and heat that’s coming into your windows from the sun, the opposite is actually true. When your windows are clean, they are better able to reflect the sunlight back away from your home, which will help to keep your home cooler when the sun gets hot.

In most cases, you can use glass cleaner or even just water and mild soap to give your windows a good cleaning in preparation for the hot summer sun to come your way.

Make Plans For Keeping The Sun Out

While clean windows can reflect the sun better than dirty windows, they can’t block out the sun’s rays. To do this, you’ll need to come up with some plan for putting curtains or other materials over your windows.

One option you might want to try is installing sunscreens over your windows. This can help to block more of the sun’s rays and keep your home cooler without having to have thick, heavy drapes over your windows. Or, if you do want to have something over your windows that you can close and open as the day goes on, try getting cooling curtains that will block out the sun and provide insulation so that heat isn’t transferred into your home as easily.

Improve The Insulation

It’s not only the sunlight coming in through the windows that you need to be careful with then preparing your windows for summer. If the temperature where you live gets particularly hot, you’ll also want to make sure that your windows are properly sealed and insulated so that there’s less heat making its way inside.

To do this, consider doing things like replacing the caulking around the window or installing weather stripping to add another barrier. These steps will all serve to keep the heat out and make your windows more efficient.

If you want to make sure your home’s windows are ready for summer as soon as it arrives, consider implementing the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for this.

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