Home Cleaning Tips: Things That Are Dangerous for Your Vacuum Cleaner


Many of us rely so much on our best vacuum cleaners that help us keep our homes clean and dust-free, especially the floors—carpet, tiles, and even hardwood. However, you may rely on your vacuum cleaner way too much and suck in things you shouldn’t. While many modern vacuums have very convenient features, you still need to be mindful of them because they can break and go dysfunctional, too. If you are not totally sure where to which vacuum you should pick for your house cleaning then you should visit bestvacuumforcleaning.com

1. Liquids

It’s not a good idea to vacuum up water or any wet surface. If water and moisture get trapped inside the vacuum, it can lead to a terrible mildew buildup. It can also cause electrical failure, ruining your vacuum cleaner and things around it.

Ordinary vacuum cleaners are not for picking water and other liquids. If you’re to run your vacuum cleaner over a puddle, not only you’ll damage the machine, but it’ll lead to a big mess when it’s time to empty it, even if you’ve avoided a disaster of electrocution.

However, shop vacs or wet-dry vacuums specially designed to pick up liquids without being dangerous to you or the vacuum itself. These types of vacuums are quite affordable—of course, they can be more expensive than regular ones—and can be just used for special situations where you need to clean up spills or puddles.

2. Hard and Small Objects

While vacuuming and you see a penny, screw, tiny stone on the floor, you ignore them and just run the vacuum other and hope for the best. This is a mistake that you need to correct because these hard objects can lead to serious damage to the machine or clog some areas where it’s difficult to get rid of. It may not happen every time, but one unlucky time can be enough to destroy your expensive vacuum cleaner.

Instead, stop and pick up these hard little pieces or sweep them off with a broom and pan. Use a damp paper towel to pick up tiny invisible fragments of glass that may still be lurking around. If your vacuum has a bag inside, the broken glass, coins, or pieces of hard plastic can puncture and easily ruin the bag and burst out into a big mess. For bagless vacuums, tiny bits of glass can create scratches on the inner parts and get lodged.

3. Ash and Fine Dust Specs

Ordinary household vacuums are not designed to pick up particles as fine as dust specs and ashes from the fireplace unit or wood stove. These particles can just end up being stuck inside your vacuum cleaner and buildup until they clog it up. They can also just get blown right back in the air, and other substances can spill out until you’re back to zero.

Instead, you can just sweep up ash or dust or use a damp cloth to wipe them off to avoid breathing them in while you clean up. Also, there are types of vacuum cleaners designed to handle the tiniest specs of dust and even liquids.

4. Electrical Cords

Sometimes, you can’t avoid running over a cord with your vacuum cleaners. If cords get stuck, perhaps you might want to pull them out forcibly, or it ends up as a shredded and tangled mess. Vacuum cleaner cords are tough and can be strong enough to handle trauma. Still, it’s a bad idea. This can damage the exterior of the cord and will start to be unsafe to be used.

So before you start vacuuming, take time to scan the room and look for any cords in the way. Remove them off the ground and place them in a higher place to make sure you won’t run over them. Make sure your vacuum cleaner cords are safe as well. Most vacuum cleaners come with clips so you can get them out of the way.

Running the Vacuum While It’s Filled

This is an obvious mistake, but many are still too lazy or unaware to check and empty the vacuum cleaner before using it again. When the bin or bag is at its total capacity, you must empty it and dispose of the components properly. If you neglect to do this, the vacuum cleaner’s performance will be low and can even damage its interior. You can run the risk of overheating and causing costly or even permanent damage.

If you’ve noticed that your vacuum cleaner doesn’t seem to work properly, check the bag or bin. Emptying it makes a big difference in how well the vacuum effectively works. Better yet, emptying it regularly without having to check it can reduce stress for you and the vacuum cleaner, saving your time and energy and prolonging its life.

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