How To Protect Your Home During the Cold Months


Protecting your home, no matter the weather, is always a must for property owners, but it’s even more essential during winter when the risks are higher. With plummeting temperatures and bad weather, you always need to make sure your home is set up for winter ahead of time.

What are the Risks to Your Home During Winter?

Just some of the vulnerabilities your home may face during colder months include:

  • Pipe damage
  • Boiler breaking
  • Risks of ice
  • Damage to the roof and structure of your home
  • Garden damage
  • Leaks

How You Can Protect Your Home During the Cold Months

Service Your Boiler During the Summer

The last thing you want to happen when the temperature drops is for your boiler to break. If your boiler hasn’t been used for a significant period of time, such as through the whole summer, it might run into problems when you actually need it. Switching your boiler on regularly and having it serviced in preparation for winter will make sure it’s in its best condition for the colder months.

Secure Your Garden

Your garden will be extremely vulnerable during bad weather or colder temperatures if everything is exposed. That’s why it’s essential to protect your garden ahead of time. Furniture needs to be covered, stored away, or secured down so that periods of high wind will not cause movement or damage. If you have any outside water features, especially a pond, then these need to be maintained over the winter period. Professionals like can supply everything you need for winter pond maintenance.

Grit Your Driveway

If you use a driveway for your car or if you have a garden path, protect your home by gritting in preparation for cold weather so that you can avoid ice build-up or damage. This will protect your car from slipping, getting stuck and protect you from any painful falls.

Use Weatherproofing Materials

For the exterior of your property, you can go over fencing or masonry with a storm-proof paint or material that can help to protect your home from bad weather. This can help to protect against damage and cracks, which can then lead to further problems such as leaks or draughts.

Clean Your Gutters

Guttering is more at risk during the colder seasons, and it can be exposed to a build-up of leaves or debris. This can then cause blockages, which in turn can lead to property damage if you run into leaks or overflow. This is more of a risk if the debris or water is at risk of freezing over.

Make sure to clean out your gutters in preparation for winter, but also regularly check them during winter after periods of bad weather so you can make sure they’re always in top form.

Final Thoughts

Protecting your home during the colder months is a lot about the preparation you make in advance. Anything you can do in the lead-up to winter, such as servicing your boiler and using extra protective masonry paint, will make sure your property is ready to go when the cold weather hits.

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