Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pigeons Naturally


Although pigeons are lovely urban birds, they can cause problems. These birds can damage your property, and attract pests. This can result in pest infestations. By reading this article, you will learn how to naturally deter pigeons without harming them. By using these techniques, you will keep the area around your house or place of business clean. By putting these tips into practice, you can handle pigeon issues in a morally responsible manner.

Natural Remedies for Deterring Pigeons Reflective Surfaces

Using reflecting surfaces is one efficient way to keep pigeons away. Abrupt bursts of light can easily shock pigeons and make them feel uneasy. You can use this by hanging reflective items around places where pigeons often rest. These can be used to hide used CDs, aluminium foil strips, or reflective tape with a specific design. Pigeons are discouraged from gathering in some regions by the flashes produced by these surfaces as they capture sunlight.

Bird Spikes

You can keep pigeons away by using bird spikes. Put the spikes on roofs, ledges, and other flat places where pigeons like to rest. These birds won’t land on the spikes and will fly away instead. The majority of hardware stores have bird spikes. They’re typically made of materials, such as as stainless steel and plastic.

Motion-Activated Deterrents

Pigeons can be effectively deterred by devices that trigger upon detecting movement. These gadgets use sensors to detect movement, and when they do, they trigger an alarm that drives the pigeons away. This sound could be a loud roar, an air explosion, or a water shower. Pigeons are startled when these deterrents suddenly activate, which makes them less likely to return. When pigeons are a constant nuisance in gardens or larger outdoor areas, this approach is very helpful.

Removing Food Sources and Nesting MaterialsImportance of Removing Food Sources

Pigeons select locations with lots of food. The best strategy to ward them off is to take away all of their food sources. Keep in mind to close your trash cans and throw away food waste. If you have bird feeders, take them down or replace them with ones that are accessible to pigeons. Furthermore, by clearing away any dropped seeds and other trash, you can deter these birds from visiting your home.

Removing Nesting Materials

It is preferred by pigeons to build their nests in safe places. This can be avoided if you remove leaves, twigs and grass clipping. Make sure to keep an eye out for any signs of nests and get rid of them as soon as you notice them. Additionally, you can block off areas like attic openings and eaves cracks where they could build nests.

DIY Repellent Recipes Chilli Powder Spray

You can get rid of pigeons by creating a homemade repellant. To do that, add a couple of tablespoons of chilli powder, water and a little bit of dish soap. Dish soap facilitates the mixture’s surface adhesion. Apply this mixture to the areas where pigeons hang out. Pigeons avoid landing near chilli powder because the strong smell and taste bother them.

Vinegar Solution

The vinegar scent bothers pigeons. You can keep them away by using a spray bottle with equal parts water and vinegar. Place this mixture in areas where you’ve seen birds. The vinegar and water solution will work better if you add a tiny bit of essential oil to it, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, or citronella. Even pigeons dislike these kinds of scents.

You can also dab trouble spots with vinegar and cotton balls soaked in essential oil. To keep the deterring effect going, periodically swap out the cotton balls and reapply the spray. Combining these techniques with other deterrents, such as reflective items or bird spikes, can result in a more comprehensive strategy to keep pigeons at bay for persistent issues.

Citrus Peel Scatters

Pigeons strongly dislike citrus scents. Place orange, lemon, or lime peels where pigeons are a problem. For a stronger effect, mix citrus essential oils with water in a spray bottle. Change the peels regularly to keep them effective. Using this organic approach not only keeps pigeons away, but it also leaves the surrounding area smelling nice.

To increase the efficacy of this strategy, you can also pair it with other organic deterrents like reflecting items or pretend predators. Pigeons will avoid your area without harm if these deterrents are kept up to date and maintained on a regular basis.

Emphasising Humane Methods and Local RegulationsHumane Methods

Using compassionate methods is essential when handling pigeons. Since pigeons are living things, we ought to take good care of them. Removing their food sources and nest-building locations is one approach to achieve this. Things that frighten them without harming them can also be used.

Local Regulations

Verify local laws prior to putting any pigeon control tactics into action. There are local ordinances that govern how pigeons and other wildlife are treated. You may stay out of trouble with the law and advance moral pest management techniques by making sure you abide by these rules.

Furthermore, being aware of local laws guarantees that the pigeon-repelling strategies you employ are not only compassionate and in compliance with wildlife protection standards, but also successful. This action is essential to preserving the harmony between controlling pigeon populations and honouring the environment. Seeking advice from regional wildlife authorities or pest management experts can also yield insightful advice customised to your area.


Even though it could be challenging, there are plenty of safe and all-natural techniques to prevent pigeons from building their nests on your land. If you employ bright surfaces, bird spikes, and deterrents that are activated by motion, pigeons will have a difficult time entering your property. In order to deter pigeons from returning, it’s also essential to remove food supplies and nesting materials. In addition, inexpensive and efficient DIY repellents made with vinegar, chilli powder, and citrus peels can work well.

You can control pigeon populations well by using gentle ways and following local rules. By using these techniques, you can appreciate the pigeons’ natural behaviour and have a pigeon-free environment.

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