Tips on How to Create Your Own Indoor Garden


When living in a big city, there are few opportunities to spend time in nature. Many of us spend a lot of our time surrounded by asphalt and walls, locked in our apartments and offices.

Although having a balcony can give us a little breath of fresh air, only a few have that option, and not everyone has the free time to take a walk outside every day.

However, we all know breathing fresh air, and walking among tall trees can help your mood and brighten up your day.

Luckily, there is a way to beat the lack of vegetation in our day to day lives by building your personal indoor garden.

Many people decide to allocate a corner of their home to a little oasis to experience nature without leaving the house. Below, we are sharing nine tips to help you design the indoor garden of your dreams.

1. Choose a Suitable Space in Your Home

When choosing where to place your garden, you must consider the conditions that your plants will need to thrive.

The best place is where there is a large window nearby to ensure they receive enough sunlight.

Placing the garden directly to the east or west is an excellent choice since the sun will shine directly upon them.

Besides, you should monitor the temperature of the room carefully, since plants should not be exposed to temperatures that are too low.

2. Define Your Preferred Style

Once you have found the right space, you should choose what kind of garden you want to build. There are three main categories to choose from:

  • Container gardening, which gives you the freedom to move and rearrange your plants freely
  • Hydroponic gardening, which lets plants grow in a solution of water and nutrients instead of soil
  • Vertical gardening, which consists of vertical panels suspended on your walls.

Depending on both the space you select and your taste, you should choose the option that best suits your needs.

3. Choose the Type of Vegetation

Unfortunately, not every plant can thrive indoors. It is essential to look for indoor gardening varieties when you go to the nursery to pick up your plants.

However, you do not have to ignore your likes and dislikes in favour of pragmatism. There are thousands of species to choose from depending on your taste.

For example, if you enjoy flowers, you can try begonias, succulents, African violets, peace lilies, cacti, or marigolds.

4. Care and Maintenance

Different plants have different needs for water, soil, and sunlight. You should consider the time and budget you are willing to allocate to their care when creating your garden.

If you would like to keep your maintenance routine as minimal as possible, consider choosing similar plants with comparable needs.

Another excellent idea is to put your plants on shelves and install a drip irrigation system, so you don’t have to worry about watering them regularly.

It would help if you also tried to look for plants that are known to be resistant to common diseases.

5. Build an Eco-Friendly Garden

We are all increasingly aware of how important it is to care for the environment. Building an eco-friendly garden is an excellent way to apply sustainability concepts to your daily life.

For example, you could make compost from your kitchen’s organic waste or recycle glass or plastic bottles to become flowerpots.

With enough creativity, there are endless options to make your garden as eco-friendly as possible without sacrificing beauty.

6. Consider the Necessary Materials

Once you have chosen what style of garden you like and what type of vegetation is best suited to your taste, you should consider what kind of materials you will need to make your vision come true.

You may get the plants at the nursery; however, there are plenty of online options to make your experience even easier.

Check an online hydroponics store and get all the necessary gear and materials to build a hydroponics garden from scratch.

7. Add Some Furniture

The best way to make your garden’s space cosier and more beautiful is to add furniture that complements the vegetation.

Depending on your garden style, you could choose the furniture and accessories that make the plants look more integrated into your home.

You could place a lovely table with folding chairs, a nature-themed rug, or some cushions to sit on while enjoying the fresh air.

8. Consider the Lighting

Although natural light is essential for the growth and care of your plants, likely, they could also benefit from some artificial lighting.

Besides, you could use artificial lighting to boost those plants that may need a little more illumination. Ask the help of a qualified expert to choose the lights that will help your plants thrive.

9. Take Your Hobbies into Account

When designing your indoor garden, imagine yourself spending a lot of time there in the future. An indoor garden can help provide you with the contact with nature that we all need, so you need to see yourself enjoying your time there.

A great idea to do so is to take your hobbies into account. For example, if you like reading, you should consider building a serene and relaxing environment to enjoy a pleasant afternoon while you read your favourite book.

On the other hand, if you enjoy, for example, playing the guitar, you could complement the design with a swinging bench, so that you can relax with its smooth swing while you play a lovely tune.

All in all, indoor gardens are lovely ways to experience the magic of nature without leaving your home.

With the number of resources available to help you build a garden from scratch, there will inevitably be one style that matches your taste and makes you want to start your gardening journey immediately.

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