Air Conditioning and Heating Technology:


New Improvements for Your Home

As one of the coldest winters in history sweeps across the United States, everyone is on the lookout for new, more effective ways to keep their homes warm. Fortunately, technology is keeping pace with the changing needs of homeowners. Modern heating systems are able to provide the warmth you need to keep your family comfortable even in the harshness of the polar vortex.

And that’s not all. Temperature regulation is benefitting from the efforts of technology on both ends of the spectrum. When summer comes, we’ll be better able to keep our homes cool and refreshing.

And the best part of all this? Many of the new systems available for home temperature regulation take into account the impact on the environment and make a substantial effort to keep things green. Companies like Go Green Heating and Air in Denver are at the forefront of this effort. Let’s take a look at what’s out there.

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Never fear—there are plenty of heating options that can keep your home toasty warm all winter long without an adverse effect on the planet! Try:

  • Geothermal energy, which uses the heat from underground wells to repurpose Earth’s natural warmth. The fluid in these heat pumps is warming during winter months. Bonus: It can also be used as a refrigerant during the summer!
  • Solar powered radiant flooring harnesses the natural energy of the sun and applies heat under your floor. This requires less energy than heating the air.
  • Biomass is energy that comes from living things like plants, and it’s both natural and renewable. What’s more, it’s sustainable and emits fewer pollutants than a wood stove. Consider warming up by a biomass-based fire.
  • Hydronic heating systems are an evolution of old fashioned radiators. These systems rely on hot water piped through tubes that run under your floorboards. Thanks to advances in technology, these systems are now much more effective and efficient than radiators of old.


When summer comes, we’ll be facing the opposite problem. How can we keep things cool without polluting the air?

  • Absorption cooling systems can be run by solar or geothermal power. The heat pumps in the system simply absorb excess heat from your house and release it out into the outside air. What could be more basic?
  • Ice powered air conditioning systems take advantage of lower temperatures at night by using that time to freeze several gallons of water by circulating refrigerant through their copper coils. Then, during the day when things start to heat up, the system uses the ice to power its cooling system. This reduces energy consumption by about 30 percent.

Let advancements in technology change the way you regulate the temperature of your home—and protect the planet, too!

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